Cirque du Soleil & Cointreau Noir Cross-Promotion
Client: School Project | Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop.
The objective of this project was to create a peel-to-win sticker for the cross-promotion of a fictional Cirque du Soleil show entitled, "Cecropia" with a bottled product of your choice. Also, to create a new bottle shape.

Original Cointreau bottle & my version of the label on the right, replicated in Adobe Illustrator.

*Photo credit: Vincent Gedge.
The Hyalophora cecropia is North America's largest native moth. The theme of the hypothetical theatrical show, Cecropia is one from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: "Thus hath the candle singed the moth." This is the concept of being tempted by something that leads to destruction.